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Psychomotor Formation, Practice & Research in Europe. QuEP - An Online Questionnaire of the European Forum for Psychomotricity
The European Forum for Psychomotricity (EFP) has conducted an international census survey, capturing qualification formats, working conditions and research topics in the field of psychomotricity. The central goal was to initiate more research collaborations within and between countries. The complete questionnaire including the results as well as the raw data set of almost 1500 respondents will be provided for the international research community as an open source by the European Forum for Psychomotricity. For this, the Open Science Framework (OSF) will be used. OSF is a nonprofit free web application, that supports researchers to collaborate, document and share their research projects, materials and data. You can find the OSF-Project “EFP Questionnaire on European Psychomotricity 2024 (QuEP)” by using the search function on the OSF platform (, or directly this link You can also use this official DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/W6UAP. Please take note of the suggested citation you can find on the project site, if you are referring to the project, the data or the documents.
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