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English Abstracts: Effects of a vaulting course with many exercise variations on the motor skills of primary pupils
Regular exercise is reckoned as a condition precedent to the motor, physical, mental and psycho-social development of children. Inactivity rises the probability of diseases which coincide with a lack of physical activity and therefore also the probability of motorical deficits. Electronic media become more and more competitors of physical-sportive activity. Many studies (Bös 2003; Bös u. a. 2008; WIAD 2008) have already proven a decline of motor skills of children and adolescents in the past years. Meanwhile, the holistic education mandate of all-day primary schools includes an advancement of motor development (Schmelt u. a. 2011, 117).
This article presents the effects of a ten-week vaulting course with many exercise variations on the motor skills of primary pupils within the framework of all-day education at two primary schools in Dortmund.
This article presents the effects of a ten-week vaulting course with many exercise variations on the motor skills of primary pupils within the framework of all-day education at two primary schools in Dortmund.