mensch & pferd international
Ernst Reinhardt Verlag, GmbH & Co. KG München
English Abstracts
English Abstracts
English Abstracts mup 2|2014 | 97 Temperament assessment in horses - innovations from science Patricia Graf The subjective assessment of the personality traits in horses results in low variance in this complex feature of the breeding goal. Because of that fact more and more breeding associations ask for objective, reproducible, easy to implement and cost-effective methods for assessing personality traits. Therefore a behavioral test was developed in which all these requirements are fulfilled and that also reflects important parts of personality as realistically as possible. In addition the importance of personality traits in horses to riders, breeders and horse owners as well as their acceptance of the implementation of a temperament test into breeding performance tests were questioned. As cost are playing an important role when implementing an new breeding characteristic into the breeding program costs were analyzed as well as the benefit out of the implementation. As a last step genetic parameters were estimated to have a holistic overview if an implementation of a temperament test into breeding performance tests is successful. Keywords: Temperament, character, behavior tests, personality assessment, heritability of behavior English Abstracts Dortmund self-concept menue with the horse Model experiment of a further support diagnostic in the curative education advancement with the horse Ann-Christin Sturm Over the past 50 years, it came to a change in habits of thought, which has lead to a juxtaposition of two diagnostic strategies. Besides the selection diagnostics (or status diagnostics), the support diagnostics got established more and more. The support diagnostics principles form the basis for the development of diagnostic inventory. With the „Dortmund self-concept menue with the horse“ (DSKMmP) a second practice model to support diagnostics in the area of therapeutic vaulting got designed. The following article is going to explain, why the transfer of the self-concept inventory (SKI) on the curative education advancement with the horse, has been considered useful. The main body of the article is describing and exemplifying the structure and the use of the „Dortmund self-concept menue with the horse“. In conclusion the article is describing further research in this area. Keywords: diagnostic inventory, support diagnostics, self-concept inventory (SKI), „Dortmund inventory motor abilities with the horse“ (DImP), „Dortmund self-concept inventory with the horse“ (DSKImP), preschool and primary school child, practice model Anzeige Fortbildungsangebot „Kinderkurse strukturiert und sinnvoll aufbauen“ „Ein Kinder-Kurs-Konzept“ entwickelt von Beatrix Reutter 11.-12. April oder 16.-17. Mai 2014 Zielgruppe: RP / RT, Erzieher / innen, (Sozial)pädagogen / innen, Voltigier- / Reitlehrer / innen Tel. 0170/ 3635762