mensch & pferd international
Ernst Reinhardt Verlag, GmbH & Co. KG München
Englisch Abstracts
Englisch Abstracts
English Abstracts mup 3|2015 | 129 ■ Horse-assisted intervention for children with ADHD - initial reflections on a therapeutic approach and why it works Erwin Breitenbach, Annette Gomolla, Dörthe Machul, Alice Rathgeber 92 horse-assisted therapists were interviewed by means of an online questionnaire investigating therapeutic strategies used with ADHD children. The questions asked encompassed whether or not specific strategies were employed to treat ADHS children, and if so what was the measure of success. Finally the horse-assisted therapists were asked to postulate what they believed the reasons were for the success of their strategies. The majority of children were primary school age and spent an average of 20 hours in individual therapy sessions (96 %). Prior, during and post-intervention specific diagnostic evaluations were applied (70 %). Besides being lead while sitting on the horse (54 %), the ADHS children also engaged in structured activities concerning the horse’s care and wellbeing 68 %). The therapeutic concepts predominant when treating ADHD children with horse-assisted therapy were divisible into several categories such as using the horse as a motivator (94 %), motorstimulation (87 %), getting from externally stopping to stopping themselves internally (79 %), as well as providing pedagogic reinforcement to the parents (80 %). Key words: Animal assisted therapy, horse assisted therapy, attention deficit disorder (ADD) English Abstracts Anzeigen Reitpädagoge/ in in LEIPZIG mit pädagogischem/ psychologischem Grundberuf und Erfahrung in Frühförderung zur Verstärkung unseres interdisziplinären Teams und der pferdegestützten Therapie/ Förderung gesucht. Bewerbungen bitte an: therapaedica Interdisziplinäre Frühförderstelle Ergotherapie - Logopädie - Physiotherapie | SG-TR Das Original Therapeutisches Reiten Ausbildung zur Reitpädagogin / Reittherapeutin seit über 30 Jahren Schweizer Gruppe