mensch & pferd international
Ernst Reinhardt Verlag, GmbH & Co. KG München
English Abstracts
English Abstracts
36 | mup 1|2016 English Abstracts ■ Professional Coaching with Horses Background - Further Education - Methods Anette Dielmann, Luise Lohkamp Using horses to support people during development processes has proven successful for many years now. Starting in the 2000s, horses have been used in educational programs of organizations, too, for example as “sparring partner” for executive managers and experts. A horse feedback, translated by a coach knowledgeable about people and horses, is highly efficient and effective especially for executive managers from the highest levels who only rarely receive feedback free from any hidden agenda. But what exactly is “coaching”? How can a coaching process using horses become created? This article will answer these and other questions, for example, what makes a coach effective and how one becomes a coach. Furthermore it will look into possible fields of application and the use of methods and in conclusion it will use examples to show how we use horses in coaching. Keywords: Integrated professionalism, professional autonomy, personality development, extension of professional behaviour repertoire, helping people to help themselves, Systemic Transactional Analysis English Abstracts Dank an die FachgutachterInnen Die Schriftleitung und der Verlag möchten sich ganz herzlich bedanken für die differenzierten Begutachtungen (Peer Review) der Beiträge für die „Mensch & Pferd international“ in dem Jahr 2015 bei: ■ Dr. Katharina Alexandridis ■ PD Dr. Andrea Beetz ■ Prof. Dr. Christa Cachay ■ Dr. Patricia Graf ■ Anna Hielscher ■ Claudia Hubbert ■ Prof. Dr. Konstanze Krüger ■ Claudia Pauel ■ Dr. Ruth Schulte-Mesum ■ Dr. Rebecca Seibler