mensch & pferd international
Ernst Reinhardt Verlag, GmbH & Co. KG München
English Abstracts: Psychological and social effects of horse-assisted interventions in children: A systematic review
English Abstracts Psychological and social effects of horse-assisted interventions in children: A systematic review What psychological and social effects of horse-assisted interventions for children can be identified from existing studies? This question is answered by a systematic methodical approach, whereby the results of 25 studies (peer-reviewed, starting in 2004) are examined in more detail. Several studies are investigating the effects on autism or ADHD. In addition to changes in symptoms, the influence on behavior, social skills, self-regulation, quality of life, depression and stress was examined. Four studies follow a qualitative approach and many quantitative studies have a weak research design. So far it is difficult to make general statements, but the number of studies points to the positive development of the research field.
102 | mup 2|2020 Termine ■ 18.07.2020 Pferd statt Couch (Worblingen) ■ 18.07.-19.07.2020 Bewegendes Miteinander auf Augenhöhe (Bissendorf) ■ 18.07.-19.07.2020 Bodenarbeit in der reitpädagogischen Arbeit mit Kindern (Bissendorf) ■ 19.07.-21.07.2020 Vorbereitungstage für ÜL Integratives Reiten (Weikersdorf am Steinfelde) Termine Fortführung ■ Psychological and social effects of horse-assisted interventions in children: A systematic review What psychological and social effects of horse-assisted interventions for children can be identified from existing studies? This question is answered by a systematic methodical approach, whereby the results of 25 studies (peer-reviewed, starting in 2004) are examined in more detail. Several studies are investigating the effects on autism or ADHD. In addition to changes in symptoms, the influence on behavior, social skills, self-regulation, quality of life, depression and stress was examined. Four studies follow a qualitative approach and many quantitative studies have a weak research design. So far it is difficult to make general statements, but the number of studies points to the positive development of the research field. Keywords: literature review, equine-assisted intervention, children, autism, ADHD, social and emotional support, mental social emotional effects English Abstracts Anzeigen S T A U F E N - B U C H H A N D L U N G Marktstraße 31• 73033 Göppingen Tel. 71 61 / 7 41 75 • Fax 0 71 61 / 1 37 43 Email: Katzenberger/ Kohlschmid Kleine Reiter, ganz GROSS 978-3-8404-1527-2 14,95 € Schläffer Maria Ergotherapie mit Pferd 978-3-456-85933-0 29,95 € Gabriele Gerdemann Das wiehernde Klassenzimmer 978-3-938806-52-4 19,90 € Anzeige_MPU_02_20_Anzeige_MPU1/ 8_5_17.qxd 18.02.20 15: 45 Seite Hunde helfen heilen 3., durchgesehene Auflage 2020. 239 Seiten. Innenteil vierfarbig. (978-3-497-02915-0) kt a w