mensch & pferd international
Ernst Reinhardt Verlag, GmbH & Co. KG München
English Abstracts
Lisa Tometten
Kathrin Schütz
In this study, emotions were examined as success factors in horse-assisted coachings. 53 persons participated in the coaching sessions and filled out questionnaires on their emotions and the coaching success at three measurement points. The results showed significant changes in activation, calmness and negative emotions during the coaching process. Change in calmness was able to predict the improvement in problem viewing and activation was able to predict satisfaction with the coaching. Emotional techniques can be used profitably in practice in coaching with horses. Limitations of the study are discussed.
Keywords: Equine-assisted intervention, horse-assisted coaching, arousal, emotional regulation
90 | mup 2|2021 English Abstracts ■ Emotions as predictors of coaching outcomes in equine-facilitated interventions Lisa Tometten & Kathrin Schütz In this study, emotions were examined as success factors in horse-assisted coachings. 53 persons participated in the coaching sessions and filled out questionnaires on their emotions and the coaching success at three measurement points. The results showed significant changes in activation, calmness and negative emotions during the coaching process. Change in calmness was able to predict the improvement in problem viewing and activation was able to predict satisfaction with the coaching. Emotional techniques can be used profitably in practice in coaching with horses. Limitations of the study are discussed. Keywords: Equine-assisted intervention, horseassisted coaching, arousal, emotional regulation Dank an die FachgutachterInnen Die Schriftleitung und der Verlag möchten sich bei folgenden Personen ganz herzlich bedanken für die differenzierten Begutachtungen (Peer Review) der Beiträge für die „mensch & pferd international“ im Zeitraum vom September 2019 bis September 2020: ■ Annika Barzen ■ Prof. Dr. Andrea Beetz ■ Dr. Berthold Brunner ■ Dr. Elke Haberer ■ Alina Johannsen ■ Prof. Dr. Dietrich Pülschen ■ Dr. Meike Riedel ■ Marietta Schulz ■ Prof. Dr. Kathrin Schütz ■ Henrike Struck ■ Imke Urmoneit ■ Annika Welp English Abstracts S T A U F E N - B U C H H A N D L U N G Marktstraße 31• 73033 Göppingen Tel. 71 61 / 7 41 75 • Fax 0 71 61 / 1 37 43 Email: Kleines Pferdchen Mahabat 978-3-89565-394-0 14,00 € Equihypnose® - Trainingskonzept für besseres Reiten 978-3-275-02211-3 19,95 € Motivaustecher ca.10x10 cm Stute mit Fohlen Nr. Motiv Stute 4,50 € Weitere Motivausstecher im Shop! Anzeige_MPU_02_21_Anzeige_MPU1/ 8_5_17.qxd 22.02.21 18: 40 Seite Anzeigen Tierhomöopathie Ausbildung online! Lerne wo, wann und wieviel du willst! Lebendig - professionell - 25 Jahre Erfahrung Alle Module werden von live meetings begleitet - Einstieg jederzeit - Peggy Schmah HP/ THP/ Ttouch-Practitioner